INFIDELITY SERIES: Once Trust is Broken, Can it Be Healed? - Esther Perel

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder - symptoms & treatment

The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell

The THINK'n Program - What is CBT & Mindfulness

Coping with Grief: Guided Spoken Meditation for healing after a loss of a loved one

Brené Brown — The Courage to Be Vulnerable

Brene Brown Braving

Making Marriage Work | Dr. John Gottman

The Consulting for Solutions Group (CSG)
is a clinical and consulting clinic that provides therapeutic services to indiviuals, couples and families.

Presently Providing Video and Phone Therapy.

© All material contained on this website is copyright of Consulting for Solutions Group, 2015.
Any questions or comments about the functioning of the website can be directed to the webmaster.